About Us

Our Mission

Our mission is to help small and medium size business owners and self-employed individuals strategically minimize their tax bills, reduce their audit risk, protect their personal assets, and enjoy peace of mind.



We provide business consulting and accounting support to help you build high-performing enterprises which are scalable and sustainable. Our solutions have proven successful across varied industries and at different growth stages. We are industry and domain experts with hands-on experience in leadership and global organizations.

Gary trained in a top 50 accountancy practice in the City when he formed Key Business Consultants in 2012 as an SEIS tax specialist firm. He became an FCA in October 2020.

Serving hundreds of clients since inception, we have vast experience as external accountants who can compliance check your business, give efficient tax planning and represent you well with the authorities.

We also have experience as internal management accountants and financial controllers, so we know what it takes to adapt to any system and make it deliver results and value.

Gary’s passion is looking at future trends and advising clients on how to be agile to stay at the front of the market. We have added business system automation services to synchronise websites to applications and on to bookkeeping systems like Xero. We also have a sister company Key Business Marketing offering complimentary startup digital marketing services and roadmaps.

As well as adding over ten staff in the first four years of trading, Gary also started raising three children. Gary likes to keep fit and partakes in at least three Spartan Races each year.